Cebu City’s Inayawan Landfill closure a Greenergy Solutions’ priority

It was clearly presented that the closure of the Inayawan landfill in Cebu City is the first order of business  of  Greenergy Solutions Inc. and  Partners in the implementation of the 25-year integrated Cebu City Waste Management Plan. And the closure will be done without cost to the Cebu City government.

“We are doing it for free; we are not asking anything from the City. Our intention is to offer our services  for free to provide a clean environment to Cebu City and free it from Landfill pollution, which is causing so many greenhouse gas emissions.”

This was the reaction of Ruth P Briones, Chair and CEO of Greenergy Solutions Inc., the proponent of the Cebu City Waste Management Project.

Under the plan, the 15-hectare Inayawan Landfill will be reclaimed and remediated with the estimated 1.4 million tons of waste to undergo a conversion process as Refused Derived Fuel. The daily generated biodegradable waste is placed into an Anaerobic Digester, where it will be converted into electricity-producing biogas for sale as renewable energy, the Greenergy Chair added. The GSI Chair further said that a consortium will implement the project employing experts in landfill remediation and closure to clear the landfill from the 1.4 million tons of waste.

Briones said the recent Public Hearing was intended to oppose a different project and a different proponent, not that of Greenergy Solutions Inc. The reactors were lambasting the proposal pertaining to Waste-to-energy that will use the pyrolysis technology.

“We have clearly presented in the Public Hearing  that immediately upon the signing of the Integrated Waste Management Agreement,  we will start the process of closure of the 15-hectare landfill. We were not allowed to make further clarifications and not allowed to dispute the reactors claim that we are not capable of doing the project,” Briones said.

The Inayawan Landfill is an uncontrolled dumpsite. The basic requirements for a Sanitary Landfill -  including necessary provisions for a lining cover, daily soil cover and leachate pond - are not in place.  A visit to the site demonstrates the deteriorating condition of the dumpsite. The leachate pond is silted, dried up and abandoned, causing leachate to seep into the ground; the soil cover is inadequate causing the leakage of biogas; and lastly, the leachate pipes and vents installed earlier are now missing.  The main rubbish dump situated on the southern outskirts of the City at Inayawan takes all the refuse from Cebu City, some 700 tons per day. Before it was closed in December of last year trucks arrived continuously and tipped the rubbish, which was then sifted through by garbage collectors. A Material Recovery Facility employs plastics, metals and other recyclables separated into different baskets and then taken to the main depot - located on the site - where workers are paid for the baskets of material collected.

Greenergy Solutions’ founders, consultants and management staff seek to utilize their professional experiences, relationships and unique skills to start sustainable environment and renewable energy projects in collaboration with foreign financial partners and investors. With this purpose, it has entered with partnerships with leading technology, engineering and financing groups to enable it to engage its customer requirements and needs in tune with the industry trends and market needs. (

Greenergy is uniquely positioned as a renewable energy developer in the Philippine marketplace with many distinct advantages. Greenergy’s founders, officers and partners have a long history as officials and employees, serving state and local government on technology, operational and policy application issues relating to these type of processes.  The company has in-house engineering, environmental and design capabilities to reduce overall project development and maintenance costs. Greenergy and Partners can offer a turnkey partnership approach to municipal clients who view Greenergy as experts and leader in the renewable energy industry in the Philippines.

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