CapitaLand recognised as sustainability leader in real estate industry

CapitaLand Limited is pleased to be listed for the fifth year running in the Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World by Corporate Knights, recognised as the gold standard in corporate sustainability analysis. Companies named are the top overall sustainability performers in their respective industries.

CapitaLand has also been listed in RobecoSAM’s The Sustainability Yearbook 2016 with a ‘Bronze Class’ distinction for the second year running, placing it in the top five among real estate companies worldwide. CapitaLand remains the only Singapore company to be awarded a medal distinction.

RobecoSAM is an investment specialist focusing exclusively on sustainability investing. Its annual Sustainability Yearbook seeks to recognise the top 15% of companies across various industries worldwide, and identifies companies that are strongly positioned to create long-term shareholder value.

Mr Tan Seng Chai, Group Chief Corporate Officer of CapitaLand Limited and Chairman of the CapitaLand Sustainability Steering Committee, said: “CapitaLand is honoured to be ranked among the Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World by Corporate Knights for the fifth consecutive year. CapitaLand is also pleased to be listed in The Sustainability Yearbook 2016 with a ‘Bronze Class’ distinction.

We are especially proud to be the only Singapore company to receive a medal distinction in The Sustainability Yearbook. This is our seventh listing in The Sustainability Yearbook, and our second consecutive listing as a ‘Bronze Class’ recipient. These accolades validate our success in integrating sustainability into our business. We will stay the course and continue developing and operating sustainably and responsibly, and stay true to our credo of ‘Building People. Building Communities.’.”

Mr Toby Heaps, CEO of Corporate Knights, said: “Global 100 companies demonstrate ambition and achievement on a broad spectrum of indicators. Striving to make the world a better place, they are where people want to work, firms we want to buy from and invest in for the long term. CapitaLand is a leader in transparency and has earned its place among the world’s most sustainable Real Estate Management & Development companies.”

He added: “Because the indicators are quantitative and clearly defined, the results of the Global 100 are objective and replicable, and more akin to a financial index than many other ‘sustainability’ indices.”

To combat climate change, 195 countries adopted the Paris Agreement last month, pledging action and investment to limit the global temperature rise this century to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. Singapore has also committed to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions from 2005 levels by 36%, by 2030.

Mr Tan added: “In line with this, CapitaLand has a long term target of achieving a 23% reduction in carbon emissions intensity by 2020, using 2008 as the base year. We are on track as CapitaLand has reduced our carbon emissions intensity across our operations by 21% since 2008, and reduced our energy and water consumption per square metre by 13.6% and 21.6% respectively through improvements in operational efficiency. As a responsible global citizen, CapitaLand will continue to innovate and push forward with our sustainability initiatives, and do our part for this collective effort against climate change.”

CapitaLand is one of the first companies in Singapore to voluntarily publish sustainability reports annually, since 2008. The CapitaLand Global Sustainability Report 2014, based on the latest Global Reporting Initiative ‘Global 4’ Sustainability Reporting Guidelines, is available at It remains the first and largest real estate company in Asia to achieve ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 certifications for its Environmental, Health and Safety Management System across 15 countries with its investment properties across Asia and Europe.

For its sustainability efforts, CapitaLand is also listed in the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index and Asia Pacific Index, Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark Report (Regional Sector Leader for Asia, Diversified), FTSE4Good Index Series, MSCI Global Sustainability Indexes, STOXX® Global ESG Leaders Indices and ChannelNewsAsia Sustainability Ranking.

About CapitaLand Limited (

CapitaLand is one of Asia’s largest real estate companies headquartered and listed in Singapore. The company leverages its significant asset base, design and development capabilities, active capital management strategies, extensive market network and operational capabilities to develop high-quality real estate products and services. Its diversified global real estate portfolio includes integrated developments, shopping malls, serviced residences, offices and homes. Its two core markets are Singapore and China, while Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam have been identified as new growth markets. The company also has one of the largest real estate fund management businesses with assets located in Asia.

CapitaLand’s listed real estate investment trusts are CapitaLand Mall Trust, CapitaLand Commercial Trust, Ascott Residence Trust, CapitaLand Retail China Trust and CapitaLand Malaysia Mall Trust.

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