Capacity building workshop for destruction of CFC-12 and application

A two day capacity building workshop was organized by Emergent Ventures on behalf of United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in Lagos, Nigeria from 23rd June, 2014 to 24th June, 2014, for the technicians in the waste management sector and end-users, on the proper handling and management of waste ODS before and during its disposal.

With over 30 participants, including technicians, government officials from pollution control board of Nigeria, customs department, project developers and private organization, the key parameters for successful implementation of the project, including effective collection, aggregation, storage and transportation were discussed.

Further, project learning from Nepal ODS Destruction project, which was also developed by Emergent Ventures, were dissimilated amongst the stakeholders.

The workshop will support technicians and practitioners in ODS management sector to carry out collection activities for disposal in a way to make the project eligible for co-financing via carbon markets using CAR protocol.

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