Can crowd-funding change the world?

Zeoform, a revolutionary materials company in Australia believes it can… with the help of millions of people that care about what our everyday products are made from and what happens when we dispose of them.

Zeoform is a game-changing material that replaces plastic and wood, made entirely of cellulose fibres and water – and nothing else! Imagine a material with the beauty of wood, the strength of fibre-glass and the versatility of plastic, that is environmentally stable, completely non-toxic, commercially proven and totally cost effective - then you begin to imagine the idea of Zeoform.

Crowd funding is the new sensation for enterprising start-ups around the globe. From the Form1 3D Printer from MIT ($3m raised in 30 days) to the Pebble Watch ($10m in 30 days!), the public is clearly inspired to fund the creation of cool concepts, products & services, often before they hit the market.

For Zeoform to succeed with their fundraiser, they will have to wow audiences with something so compelling and convincing that it goes ‘viral’ – being spread through social networks of friends & colleagues within days of release.

But rather than follow the beaten path of Kickstarter and other established crowdsourcing platforms, Zeoform is blazing its own trail, relying on peoples’ longing to be part of a Revolution, and leverage the power of crowdsourcing.

Following years of rigorous scientific research, testing and prototyping, this campaign is the spark that will explode Zeoform into the international marketplace, launching a ‘Centre of Excellence’ and state-of-the-art factory, scheduled for completion in 2014.

With the time pressures of today’s world and the constant inundation of devices ‘pinging’ with notifications and things to watch online, Zeoform recognizes that to hold someone’s attention for four minutes in such a way as to compel them to act demands a real visual feast. They have pulled out all the stops to produce an eye-popping animation that will attract a million people to pledge $10 and realise the Zeoform dream. If they succeed, it will take crowdsourcing to a whole new level – people collaborating to make lasting social, economic and environmental change.

Taking Margaret Mead’s words quite literally, the dedicated team behind Zeoform agrees that “…a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has”. Let’s see if they can pull it


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