Business leaders state sustainability reporting is a process that drives positive change

Marks and Spencer, Sky, BT, Lloyds Banking Group and British American Tobacco are among the leading organisations that are driving change internally through their reporting processes.

As outlined in Ethical Corporation’s Annual Review of CR Reporting and Communications sustainability reporting is not “an end in itself, but it is a process that drives change, transparency, brand awareness and ultimately revenue.”

The annual review talks about how BT positively engaged “over 80 per cent of their 100,000 employees” in sustainability activities because their report sets out where they want to be instead of where they are.

One big issue discussed in the report are the amount of frameworks and initiatives, which can be overwhelming for some reporters and sustainability professionals. In one of the case studies, British American Tobacco state that “companies must not lose sight of what is relevant to their own business.” The annual review features a guide into all of the different frameworks and initiatives that companies can use to report their sustainability.

The report also analyses how companies like Lloyds and ITV are using integrated communication strategies and the most effective ways to utilise social media and digital technology whilst providing further insight into effective stakeholder engagement.

For more information, The Annual CR Reporting and Communications Review is available to download for free here

For more information, please contact:

Steve Wade
Global Project Director
Ethical Corporation
Phone: +44(0)207 422 4361

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