Black & Veatch selected for Singapore’s Changi Water Reclamation Plant expansion

PUB, the national water agency of Singapore, has selected Black & Veatch to provide consultancy services valued at S$2.2 million for the expansion of the Changi Water Reclamation Plant. The expansion involves retrofitting an additional treatment process to the existing treatment facility to increase its treatment capacity.

“This expansion reflects PUB’s unswerving commitment to constantly improving its water infrastructure by investing in emerging technology that returns even greater value to the Singaporean public,” said Ralph Eberts, Executive Vice President in Black & Veatch’s global water business. “The result will be even greater treatment flexibility to what is already regarded as one of the most advanced wastewater treatment facilities in the world.”

Black & Veatch will provide engineering design services for the addition of a membrane filtration treatment process within the Changi Water Reclamation Plant and supervise its installation. The addition enables PUB to increase its capacity up to 60,000 cubic meters (13 million gallons) per day of reclaimed water.

In keeping with previous engineering designs at the Changi Water Reclamation Plant, the membrane filtration expansion will observe sustainability best practices, occupying a small footprint within the existing site. Equipment will be integrated with existing structures where feasible and incur relatively limited capital costs as a result.

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