BCSD Singapore named as jury in WGBC’s Green Building Leadership Awards in APAC

The World Green Building Council (WorldGBC) has launched the inaugural Asia Pacific Regional Network Leadership Awards in Green Building.

The biennial awards program will honor outstanding organisations for their commitment to sustainability, and will celebrate innovative green building projects that are reducing carbon emissions and other environmental impacts, cutting costs and driving higher levels of health and productivity for building occupants.

“We are excited to be presenting this new awards program, which will promote leadership and inspire industry best practices in green building,” says Tai Lee Siang, board member of the WorldGBC.

“As the ‘engine room’ of the world’s growth, the Asia Pacific region has an unmatched opportunity to lead the way in sustainable building practices. Many organisations and individuals are committed to sustainability and this awards program acknowledges their local entrepreneurship and leadership.

“The awards also provide a platform for the region to share knowledge, experience and best practice technical solutions,” Mr Tai adds.

The awards, presented by the WorldGBC Asia Pacific Network in partnership with the World Bank Group’s International Finance Corporation and the Business Council for Sustainable Development Singapore, follows on from the success of similar global and European awards hosted by the WorldGBC, which honor leaders, innovators and champions in sustainability and green building.

The WorldGBC Asia Pacific Regional Network Leadership Awards in Green Building features two categories:

Business Leadership in Sustainability: presented to the corporation which best demonstrates a commitment to sustainability as part of its core business model. The award acknowledges leadership in corporate social responsibility, with emphasis on policies and programs that reduce and reverse the impact of business practices on the environment.

Leadership in Sustainable Design and Performance: recognizes a green building project that demonstrates innovation in achieving minimum impact on the environment and maximum impact on health and productivity.

The awards are open to companies large and small, as well as to projects across the region.

Nominations must be submitted through recognized green building councils in Asia Pacific countries. Nominations close on Friday 20 June. Nomination forms are available online: www.worldgbc.org/apnawards

The judging panel includes, but is not limited to, representatives from the World Bank Group’s International Finance Corporation (IFC), the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and Business Council for Sustainable Development Singapore – Regional Network Partner of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development.

Hans Shrader, the IFC’s Senior Program Manager, who is on the judging panel, says: “As a strategic priority, the International Finance Corporation supports energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emission reduction globally. IFC is pleased to collaborate with the WorldGBC to recognize businesses leading in practices to minimize their environmental impact.”

Judge Constant Van Aerschot, Executive Director of the Business Council for Sustainable Development Singapore, says: “Awards to celebrate more sustainable design and performance and business leadership are important to motivate change – more than ever in emerging markets where, by 2025, the majority of the global US$15 trillion construction volume will take place. I commend the WorldGBC and its network for this initiative.”

“The building sector is one of the most resource-intensive sectors. In Asia, the sector is rapidly growing and UNEP is working with a number of stakeholders to reduce its environment impacts and increase its contribution to sustainability. Recognizing and awarding best practice examples can create momentum towards sustainable buildings,” says UNEP’s Senior Regional Coordinator, Stefanos Fotiou.

“Sustainable building has a central role to play in creating a better, brighter future for all of the world’s citizens,” says the WorldGBC’s Chief Executive, Jane Henley.

“By shining the spotlight on local leadership, this awards program will demonstrate how green building can protect the natural environment, improve energy security and resource efficiency, and improve the health and well-being of individuals and whole communities,” Ms Henley concludes.

Winners will be announced at a gala dinner and awards night in Singapore on Tuesday 2 September. More information on the awards and nomination forms can be found on at: www.worldgbc.org/apnawards

Media Contact:
Karen Jamal
World Green Building Council
+61 2 6288 3419

World Green Building Council

The World Green Building Council connects a global coalition of more than 100 national Green Building Councils and their 27,000 member companies with a single mission: to transform the building industry and ensure our buildings and cities are healthy, efficient, productive and sustainable. See: www.worldgbc.org

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