WWF Singapore communications head Kim Stengert joins Alliance to End Plastic Waste

Stengert moves on from WWF after more than six years leading communications.

Kim Stengert
Kim Stengert joins the Alliance to End Plastic Waste after more than six years with WWF-Singapore. Image: LinkedIn

Kim Stengert, the long-time head of communications for World Wide Fund for Nature Singapore, has joined the Alliance to End Plastic Waste as head of outreach and education.

Stengert brings to an end more than six years with the conservation group, where latterly he was chief, strategic communications and external relations.

He joins an organisation set up in 2019 by a collective of plastic producers and users to tackle plastic waste pollution in developing countries.

A saleman by background, Stengert spent much of his career in the marketing industry in Germany before moving to Singapore in 2014.

At WWF, Stengert worked on campaigns such as “Your Plastic Diet”, which highlighted the entry of plastic into the human food chain, and Plastic ACTion (PACT), an initiative that encouraged businesses in Singapore to reduce their plastic footprint.

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