RI to sign third US$300m climate change loan agreement with AFD

The Finance Ministry will sign a US$300 million agreement in Climate Change Program Loan (CCPL) with French state-owned development agency Agence Française de Développement (AFD) on Thursday.

The ministry’s Director General of Debt Rahmat Waluyanto and the French Embassy’s Chargé d’Affaires Sébastien Surun will be cosignatories of the agreement.

In 2008 and 2009, the AFD already extended and disbursed as a budget support two loans of
$200 and $300 million as the first and the second installments of the CCPL, in co-financing with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

JICA has just extended a $300-million loan to support this third tranche and the World Bank is also joining the CCPL from this year on, with a contribution of $200 million.

The loan program aims to support Indonesian Driven Policy Reform for dealing with climate change issues through targets/actions stated in the form of a three-year “Policy Matrix”, which covers mitigation (forestry, energy), adaptation (agriculture, water) and cross-sectoral issues.

The last CCPL’s Steering committee meeting endorsed the satisfactory results of the work achieved in 2009 and agreed on new targets for 2010.

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