Redd+ Indonesia website to be launched in April

A website of REDD+ Indonesia, will be officially launched in April 2011, according to the forestry ministry in a press statement.

The forestry ministry in cooperation with the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) is currently developing the website on REDD+, forests and climate change in Indonesia, the statement said on Monday.

CIFOR Director General Frances Seymour and the forestry ministry’s Head of the Research and Development Body Tachrir Fathoni signed a cooperation agreement on the website development in Bogor, last Thursday (March 24).

The website is expected to become an information source on the implementation of REDD and climate change mitigation in Indonesia.

The forestry ministry supported by FORCLIME, held a workshop on “REDD+ Safeguards in Indonesia,” last March 21, 2011, in Jakarta.

The workshop was officially opened by the ministry’s Secretary General Hadi Daryanto, and attended by around 100 participants including NGO activists, academicians, government officials, the private sector and international partners.

REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation) is a mechanism that uses market/financial incentives to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases from deforestation and forest degradation in a measurable and verifiable way.

REDD credits offer the opportunity to utilize funding from developed countries to reduce deforestation in developing countries.

REDD+ expands the scope of REDD beyond avoided deforestation and degradation activities to include forest restoration, rehabilitation, sustainable management and/or reforestation.

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