Japan, France help Vietnam cope with climate change

An agreement to help Vietnam deal with climate change was signed in Hanoi on June 18 between the Vietnamese Ministry of Finance, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the French Development Agency (AFD).

This is the first project co-sponsored by JICA and AFD under which Vietnam will receive 10 billion Japanese Yen and 20 million Euros in the form of official development assistance (ODA).

Deputy Minister of Finance Tran Xuan Ha said the agreement shows the international community how much the Vietnamese Government cares about environmental protection and climate change and how committed the Japanese and French Governments are to helping the Vietnamese Government achieve its socio-economic targets.

2010 marks 18 successive years that the Japanese government has provided ODA to Vietnam, with a total committed amount of 1,440 billion Japanese Yen (US$15 billion), and 16 years of AFD contributions, totalling more than 1.1 billion Euros.

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