
Incepted in February 2010 in Berlin WaterVent (portmanteau of Water and Venture) is enjoying steadily increasing brand awareness.

Though we notice hundreds of congresses and trade fairs dealing with water issues and subjects organized globally, WaterVent was and is still the only international water technologies (and related nexus) focused forum: minimum 50% of presentations done are set up by water technology entrepreneurs and innovators looking for funding and/or clients (users, applications).

  • Nine forums in US, Europe and UAE with appr. 1,600 attendees
  • Serious negotiations for appr. $ 130 Mio reported 
  • Attendees reported more than 800 serious leads acquainted (into clients, users, support) 
  • Appr. 8,700 enquiries to attend received 
  • Global database of appr. 48,000 water tech companies, investors, services, clusters, experts created 
  • Appr. 2,500 members in our water technology financing and venturing group in Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/3000464 
  • Appr. 4,000 water tech first degree contacts in Linkedin
  • > 30,000 hits in Google for WaterVent
  • More than 70% of all relevant corporates, utilities, investors, experts have heard about WaterVent (result of a recent market study conducted; base: 1,200 people reached out to in US/Canada, Europe and Israel)

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Ulf Leonhard
[javascript protected email address]

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