The Virtual Conscious Festival by Green Is The New Black

The Virtual Conscious Festival by Green Is The New Black

THE CONSCIOUS FESTIVAL by Green Is The New Black, is going VIRTUAL for the first time ever!

(We want to welcome everyone if you can’t afford a ticket email us and we’ll sort you out).

Our First Virtual Conscious Festival Teaser is out! 


The Conscious Festival is a three-day immersive virtual event that will help guide you on a journey towards embracing a more sustainable lifestyle by reconnecting with yourself, others, and the planet.

Explore our VILLAGE featuring over 70 mindful brands. Hear from business leaders and change-makers during our thought-provoking TALKS. And raise your consciousness by participating in our experiential WORKSHOPS. 

This experience will leave you feeling inspired and motivated to help #CreateTheChange . Together we can create systemic change to fix the most social, political and existential crisis of our time.

In case you wondered, we’re not climate extremists. We’re just a friendly little tribe who give a sh*t, and we’re doing something about it through our Conscious Festivals. Come and join us; invite your friends, your kids, your dogs, heck, invite Doris next door for all we care (you can ditch her in the networking zone if she starts playing up).


Because we’re all going to die [insert evil comedy laugh here]. Kidding. Actually, half kidding. The future of humanity and all biodiversity is kind of a big deal, and we’re running out of time to fix our planet for future generations. But what with everything else going on (like Coronavirus, Brexit, and well, life), it’s easy to forget that we’ve got this little thing called the climate crisis to deal with.

Because in case you fell asleep at the start of 2020; Down Under’s gone up in smoke and half the UK needs a replica of Noah’s bloody ark to stay afloat. And that’s where we come in (though technically we can’t build arks, we’re not very good with power tools).

If you’re the kind of person who inhales sharply when you see bananas wrapped in plastic, is racked with guilt over that flight you just booked to Ibiza, or fights a daily internal battle to contain the stern words you’d love to unleash on Roger in accounts because he keeps bringing bottled water to the office (get a reusable cup FFS!), then congratulations; you’ve found your tribe. And The Virtual Conscious Festival is the event for you.

Bring positive vibes, an open mind, and whatever reusable paraphernalia you need to get through the day. This is a space for real chat, community, growth, and an opportunity to elevate your consciousness (without shrooms).

Join us at the Virtual Conscious Festival. Together we can #CreateTheChange.

P.S If anyone does know Roger in accounts invite him to join so we can have a word.

P.P.S Stay tuned to find out more about our 12-month #littlegreenstep challenge and how you can get involved. Pssssst… it involves the Paris 2021 Conscious Festival!

The deets  

>>> TALKS <<<
Four transformative sessions packed full of juicy actionable insights will empower you to be part of the change. Listen and learn through inspiring keynotes, engaging workshops, wellness breaks, and action kits.

> WELLBEING - Building Resilience 
In a time of mounting anxiety, mass destruction, fires, floods and pandemics - it is more important than ever to build resilience.

> BUSINESS - Finding Optimism in the Crisis 
We’ll explore capitalism vs the climate, the plant-based revolution and why we should stay optimistic about the future.

What is the future of climate activism, tech vs nature-based solutions and tackling intersectionality?

Planet centric design, is fast fashion bad? And collaboration that’s leading to positive industry change 

Why is the event ticketed? Well, there is an entire team of people behind the scenes who works for months on this event to make it happen. Also, part of the tickets goes to the speakers, facilitators and community partners etc.. And a big chunk goes to plant our second forest in the Philippines, that’s how we keep our event carbon neutral and our footprints (and yours for joining) light.


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