Sustainability Reporting: Gathering data that matters for better decision making

First ECO-OS Sustainability Expert Seminar in South Africa

Are you ready to start a sustainability report for your organisation? Or want more results from your existing efforts?
Organisations with successful sustainability strategies in place rely on three fundamental best practices to effectively report on their programmes:

  • Benchmark their performance against competitors
  • Drill down to compare business units and suppliers
  • Focus decision making with metrics that matter

Seminar keynote speakers

  1. Mr Arend Hoogevorst, Environmental and Sustainability Advisor/Auditor, Editor of Practical Environmental Options for Eagle Environmental. BSC (Hons) Environmental Science, Playouth University, M Phil Environmental Studies, University of Cape Town.
    Topic: Sustainability - What makes it worth reporting?
  2. Elvina Hercules, Head of Sustainability Advisory, SASOL:
    Topic: An Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) Approach to Reporting.
  3. Dr. Noam Gressel, CEO & co-founder, ECO-OS.
    Topic: Sustainability Reporting - from regulatory and internal action to annual reporting and achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs).

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Andrew Mamogobo
[javascript protected email address]

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