Singapore Water Management Series on Water Supply Network Management

Singapore Water Management Series on Water Supply Network Management

The 2nd run of the Singapore Water Management Series on Water Supply Network Management will be conducted from 13 to 17 January 2020. The five-day course, conducted by both experienced PUB water practitioners as well as international experts; provides an in-depth understanding of key topics on urban water supply network management such as water safety in distribution systems, strategies to manage and reduce non-revenue water, sustainable network asset renewal and management, real-time monitoring and development of smart water grids, as well as water conservation and customer engagement strategies.

The course will be conducted in English and the course fee is SGD3,490 (excluding: 7 per cent tax to be levied for Singapore-based participants).

Singaporeans and Singapore Permanent Residents are eligible for e2i subsidies and PDU points.

For enquiries and registration, please contact:

Jason Wong (

Vick (

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