Rethinking Fast Fashion: How to Dress Well and Stay Environmentally Conscious!

Event will be completely in Mandarin. Please refer to Mandarin text by visiting our event website.

It’s a new season and shopping malls are stocking up with new designs and starting their flashy sales. Although our wardrobes may already be filled with too many clothes, promotions and advertisements make us want to continue shopping. The fact is, we are all guilty of having bought at least one item of clothing, wearing it a couple of times, and then keeping it hidden in our closet. Either because we forget about it, or we don’t discard it because it would be a waste of money.

As an example, in the UK people now have four times the amount of clothing than they had 30 years ago. Each each person uses an average of 625 pounds (5380RMB approx.) a year to buy clothing. New clothing accounts for 28 kg per person per year, contributing to an annual consumption of 1.72 million tons (or 4700 tons per day) of fashion products. The same amount weight of clothing, used and completely new, is trashed every year. The situation is more or less the same in China. As the price of clothing becomes cheaper, it becomes increasingly more convenient to shop for unnecessary, unneeded items, which is greatly adding to the overall manufacturing, consumption and waste.

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