People’s Forum on Haze 2.0

People’s forum 2.0 is the first public dialogue organised by PM.Haze in 2016. The forum aims to bring together companies, NGOs, and communities to find solutions to stop the haze from both Singapore and regional perspective.

Date: 23rd April (Saturday) 2016
Time: 1330pm-1730pm
Venue: SIM University

Please RSVP here:

If you have any burning questions to ask the panelists, do write them down in the comment section of the registration form!


1330-1400: Registration
1400-1410: Welcome remark by PM.Haze and safety briefing
1410-1500: Movie Screening “Heart of the haze”
1500-1550: Panel 1 - Communities at ground zero
1550-1600: Break and networking
1600-1610: Release of public survey results
1610-1700: Panel 2 - Haze-free palm oil for Singapore
1700-1720: PM.Haze upcoming campaigns
1720-1730: Closing remarks

Panel Speakers

Say Xiangyu
Channel News Asia, producer of documentary “Heart of the haze”

TJ Mohd
Nature for Change, lead of reforestation and conservation of the Gunung Leuser National Park.

Dorjee Sun
Subject of the documentary film “The Burning Season” narrated by Hugh Jackman which focused on the stories of orangutan forest conservation and challenges of development.

Lee Chen Chen
Director, Policy Programmes, Singapore Institute of International Affairs

Stefano Savi
Global Outreach and Engagement Director at Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)

Etelle Higonnet
Etelle Higonnet is a Campaign Director at Waxman Strategies, where she focuses on protecting forests and land rights through advocacy and legal strategies in Southeast Asia and Africa. Much of her work focuses on the rubber, palm oil, and aquaculture industries in the region.

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