New Energy Vehicle Forum

New Energy Vehicles Operated in Public Service reached 6000 since “Thousands of Vehicles, Tens of Cities ” project jointly established by Department of Science and Technology, Department of Finance, MIIT and SDRC which started in January 2009. The project which has been well under construction with 100 billion investment pushes the NEV commercialization. Beijing intends to expand the EV application aims at 5000 NEV sample modeling by 2012 indicated in The Application of Promoting NEV Industry of Beijing released by SDRC of Beijing. The Industrial Base of Jiading NEV and Key Component had already been established on Expo occasion. By 2020, Shanghai will realize 3 service system, 5 sample application areas which could promote to 100,000 annual output as well as 30 billion annual capacity with advanced blueprint in infrastructure to perfect the EV application environment..

The next generation batteries attach great importance to commercialize EV industry, meanwhile, the charging infrastructure had been built with 76 charging station in 41 domestic cities. From 2011-2015, SGCC will invest 14 billion to construct 4000 EV charging stations with generalizing charging sets to network EV charging infrastructure. By 2020, it will perfect the EV charging network with investment 32 billion. To meet NEV development, CSG will build 12750 charging stations including charging sets.

Therefore, NEV Forum will set Innovative Breaking the Bottleneck of Battery, E-Motor, ECU, Strategic Betting the Layout of Charging Infrastructure Construction, Advanced Implementing Electric Vehicle Commercialization as it’s guideline to bring over 200 decision makers from green OEMs, battery manufactures, materials suppliers, charging facility companies, advanced solution providers as well as testing and design agency to brainstorm and exchange practical cases and cutting-edge issues in EV industrialization.

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