Making the leap to circular fashion: Insights from manufacturing partners of the Circular Leap Asia programme

Making the Leap to Circular Fashion: Insights from manufacturing partners of the Circular Leap Asia programme

Wednesday 30 September 2020

4 pm SGT / 1.30 pm IST/ 9 am BST / 10 am CEST

With COVID-19 and the climate crisis further threatening the fashion industry’s dominant business model based on “cheaper, faster, better” production without consideration for the real needs of consumers, circular models will need to be at the heart of the sector’s radical transformation.

Forum for the Future has published a new report, titled “Making the leap to circular fashion”, which shines a light on the huge untapped potential of fashion manufacturers to contribute to this circular transformation.

It calls on brands, retailers and other stakeholders to step up efforts to include supply chain voices in the sector’s drive to transform how fashion items are designed, made, sold and used. The report’s insights are informed by Forum’s work with leading fashion manufacturers Cobalt Fashion (part of the Fung Group), Ramatex Group and Yee Chain International as part of the Laudes Foundation-funded Circular Leap Asia programme.

You are invited to explore the highlights of the report in our upcoming webinar.

Forum for the Future and selected fashion manufacturer partners from the Circular Lear Asia programme discuss how the fashion industry can build the value networks that will fast-track our circular future.

Drawing on insights from our three Circular Leap Asia manufacturer-driven pilots, we will hear from pioneering manufacturers and Fashion for Good on the importance of aligning circular goals with existing business capabilities, and where else we see opportunities for closer value chain collaboration.

Join us as we outline a vision for a just transition to circular fashion models that enables all supply chain actors to truly act together and create the networks vital to long-term success.

Host: Ariel Muller, Managing Director Asia, Forum for the Future


  • Pamela Mar, Director of Sustainability, Fung Group
  • Priyanka Khanna, Lead - International Expansion, Fashion for Good
  • Martin Su, Sustainability Manager, Yee Chain International

You can read more about Circular Leap Asia and the report here.

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