Healthy and Sustainable Living – Asia Perspective

Only 7 per cent of consumers in Asia live healthily and sustainably - How can sustainable lifestyles become more common?

GlobeScan’s latest global opinion research, in collaboration with IKEA, PepsiCo, Visa, VF Corporation and WWF, shows that many people are keen on healthy and sustainable living, but few are able to execute. Consumers say they need business and government to help, not least by providing products and services that make healthy and sustainable living easier and more affordable.

We invite you to attend an interactive webinar that will explore the need and business case, particularly in Asia, for engaging with consumers to enable more sustainable consumption.

Register to join us online on December 11 at 10.00am HK time / 9.00pm EST time.

GlobeScan’s Wander Meijer will present an overview of the study’s global findings of 25,000 consumers in 25 countries, with a focus on the results from Asia. This will be followed by a panel discussion and an interactive audience Q&A which includes:

·        Sonalie Figueiras, Founder and Editor-in-Chief, Green Queen – Asia’s Award-Winning Eco Wellness Media (Moderator)

·        Anders Lennartsson, Country Sustainability Manager, IKEA China

·        Karen Ho, Head of Corporate and Community Sustainability, WWF-Hong Kong

We hope you can join us!

For inquiries, please contact Corane Chu at

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