GRI Standards Certified Training Course

GRI Standards Certified Training Course:

In this two-day workshop you will learn how the use GRI reporting standards to prepare a best practice report using the world’s most trusted and widely used standards on sustainability reporting.

Presented by EcoMarketing Asia Pte Ltd: Higher Education Specialists and GRI Certified Training Partner.

Who should attend?

Our courses benefit those in occupations ranging from CEOs, company secretaries, and general managers to those that are specifically focused on sustainability and corporate social responsibility, community relations, human resource management and marketing communications.

Whether you are an experienced or aspiring sustainability reporter or strategist you will gain valuable, practical insights from our courses.

Learning outcomes:

On successful completion of this course you will be able to:

Understand and apply the GRI Standards

Identify and present the information required to be disclosed in a sustainability report

Understand and apply GRI Reporting Principles that guide Report Content, and Reporting Quality

Create and maintain efficient reporting processes throughout your organisation

Apply frameworks that identify and prioritise key stakeholders

Identify effective channels for communicating with key stakeholders

Identify material topics and their boundaries (internal and external to your organisation)

Learn how to involve your organisation in sustainability

Develop systems for establishing continuity in reporting cycles that advance the achievement of your organisation’s sustainability objectives

Explore best practice application of GRI standards in Singapore and Asia


Participants who complete the course will receive a certificate of completion from GRI and the opportunity to further develop and certify their knowledge by sitting the GRI Standards exam.

(Note that sitting the exam incurs an additional cost)

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

David Fitzgerald
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