Green Talks with F&B, Sunway Iskandar and supported by IRDA are holding a new type of event

Green Talks with F&B;

Showcasing sustainable products and technologies that will help professionals within the F&B; sector learn about new ideas and solutions that will enable you to keep ahead of the changing buying habits of your customers.

‘As the world goes Green so must the F&B; industry’

Join us on the 14th August 2018 and keep ahead of the curve

This is a business to business event, featuring a number of 10-minute talks about products and services targeted specifically towards the F&B; sector. The talks will start at 9:00 and finish promptly at 11:00 AM. The doors will open at 8:00 AM. You are welcome to come along for a coffee and network before the event starts, or alternatively stay on afterward to ask questions.


  • Cafés, restaurants & bars
  • F&B; Managers of Hotels
  • Hospital & schools cafeterias
  • Supermarkets, convenience stores and gourmet/ organic goods supply shops
  • Caterers and event organizers


  • Green alternatives to single use plastics
  • Sustainable paper products
  • Solutions for Food Waste
  • Recycling Management (recycling bins and solutions)
  • Green cleaning, odour control and pest control solutions (safe and effective)
  • Water filtration system and water dispensing so as to do away with bottled water and drinks
  • Energy efficient solution for refrigeration, A/C, cooking and washing
  • Water saving devices and appliances

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Sharan Sambhi
[javascript protected email address]

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