Green Pursuits and its Marketability

The global awareness of environmental issues has led to an increase in demand for green products. Green–certified products give buyers around the world a mark of confidence and reinforce trust, placing companies in advantageous competitive positions.

At this seminar, we have representatives from GreenGuard UL,SPRING Singapore and UOB-SMU Enterprise Institutewho will be presenting on the importance of indoor air quality, understanding your target market and strategically positioning your brand. Expect to learn how adopting sustainable practices such as green certifications can be a powerful branding tool. To assist SMEs in achieving sustainability,SPRING Singapore will share with you the relevant schemes found under the Capabilities Development Grant (CDG).

Event is held on 22nd of August 2013, 9am to 12pm at:

SPRING Singapore
Singapore, 1 Fusionopolis
Walk, #01-02 South Tower, Solaris, Level 1, Pinnacle 2, Singapore


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