Evaluating SDG Progress: Highlights from a GlobeScan/SustainAbility Survey

GlobeScan and SustainAbility are delighted to invite you to a webinar to discuss the results of our assessment of experts’ views on progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

We asked over 500 experienced corporate sustainability professionals in 74 countries to evaluate the progress that has been made on each SDG, to rank their relative urgency and also to share insights into the priorities within their own organizations. Corporate experts were also asked how their own companies are responding to the SDGs and where they see opportunities for the greatest impact.

Join us for a lively and insightful discussion on the findings of the survey, to share insights and discuss questions such as:

  • How much progress has the international community made on each SDG? Which goals are seen as being the most important and have received the most attention by organizations?
  • How has the private sector contributed toward the SDGs? Where are the opportunities for companies to have the greatest impact and how can they better communicate?

For your convenience, we are offering this webinar in two different time zones with different speakers catering to each region:

Asia Pacific

10 May 2017 @ 7:30am Mumbai / 10am Hong Kong / 12pm Sydney

Hosted by:

  • Wander Meijer, Director, GlobeScan Asia Pacific
  • Aiste Brackley, Senior Manager, SustainAbility
  • Andrew Petersen, CEO, Sustainable Business Australia
  • Karen Iles,Head of Corporate Social Responsibility, Tata Consultancy Services
  • Robert Hansor, Global Sustainability and Policy & Systems Principal, Huawei

Europe / Americas

9 May 2017 @ 8am San Francisco / 11am New York / 4pm London

Hosted by:

  • Mark Lee, Executive Director, SustainAbility
  • Chris Coulter, co-CEO, GlobeScan
  • Gail Klintworth, Director Business Transformation, Business and Sustainable Development Commission and Partner, SYSTEMIQ
  • Matthias Stausberg, Group Advocacy Director, Virgin Management Ltd
  • Dominic Vergine, Head of Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility, ARM

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Robin Miller
[javascript protected email address]

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