#plastic credits News

Greenpeace protest action at Unilever headquarters in Indonesia
The company that pioneered sachets to sell its products to low-income families must take responsibility for their devastating environmental impact, say activists. Unilever says it has cut virgin plastic use and finding alternatives to sachets "remains a priority".
Ben Moody, co-founder, Seven Clean Seas
Moody joined the ocean clean-up and plastic credits firms in 2019 at the age of 23.
Packaging for Taiwanese bottled water brand pH Balancer bears the plastic resin identification code for PET. Though the circular recycling symbol implies recyclability, it actually refers to the type of plastic used. Only 81 per cent of PET is recycled globally.
Using misleading recycling symbols, the plastics industry has duped regulators and consumers into believing in the circularity of plastic, a study by Planet Tracker finds. The non-profit warns investors of plastic liability risks.
Casnadi, who works Southeast Asia's largest landfill near Jakarta, Indonesia
Multinational consumer goods brands have gone cold on recycled plastic – now priced higher than virgin – and look likely to miss their 2025 recycling targets. Recyclers in Asia are suffering as a result, particularly waste pickers at the vulnerable end of the value chain.
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'Wasted' documentary
Launched as policymakers lock horns with petrochemicals lobbyists over a treaty to end plastic pollution, the documentary produced by Eco-Business asks why opportunities to solve humanity's waste crisis are being wasted. It will premiere in Singapore and screen on the sidelines of the upcoming COP28 climate summit.
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