Southeast Asia's Clean Energy Transition / Indonesia

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The Malaysian bank is the first to set decarbonisation targets for the sector, aiming to cut portfolio emissions intensity by 16 per cent by 2030. However, its commitment does not directly include smallholders, who are not within its existing base of clients.
To support Southeast Asia's efforts to retire its young coal fleets, there must be "explicit conversations" about the conditions needed for energy transition projects to come to market, the chairperson of the global reinsurance giant's public sector engagement arm told Eco-Business.
Demand for the new class of carbon credits proposed by Singapore's central bank will depend on the integrity of projects, what they can be used for and how effectively risks are addressed, say investors.
They say the two new units could cause thousands of premature deaths and are arguably unnecessary in the oversupplied local grid. However, the bank’s lending arm clarifies that it does not have the ability to stop the project’s development.
The Asian Development Bank, which partnered Indonesia to launch its first coal retirement deal last November, said that completing one of these transactions is key to providing others with a model to follow.
For some, environmental issues had felt like safe reporting territory a few years ago, but that is no longer the case. Journalists from India to Thailand share the constraints they face when reporting on powerful governments and corporations.
Indonesia is not engaging the public enough on its clean energy plans, these researchers say. They explain why Indonesia would do well to form village electricity cooperatives and support ground-up initiatives.
EB Studio Several fixes to methane leaks in the fuels sector can quickly pay for themselves, but stronger awareness and regulations are needed to get the industry in the region moving, experts say.
Research by National University of Singapore and PwC finds that 50 of the region's biggest companies are now better at reporting climate risk, but most are still flaky in how they tell the full story of their climate impact.
Southeast Asia’s largest economy is currently pursuing a 2060 target for emissions neutrality, but has been struggling to receive favourable funding terms from foreign financiers to phase out coal power.
Given its rich agriculture resources, biofuel will be vital for the region's net-zero plans. Solving the feedstock crunch is necessary to meet market demands, which requires careful planning and a supply chain strategy.
Indonesian ride-hailer GoTo saw its emissions jump by 19 per cent year on year, while Singapore-based rival Grab's carbon footprint more than doubled in 2022. Both firms say post-Covid-19 demand rebound played a part in the increase in carbon pollution.
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