Unfinished Business: Perspectives from the Sustainable Development Frontier

The Regeneration Project, a collaborative and multi-faceted initiative by GlobeScan and SustainAbility, aims to provide a roadmap for achieving sustainable development within the next generation, focusing in particular on ways the private sector can improve sustainability strategy, increase credibility and deliver results at greater speed and scale.

Nearly 25 years after the Brundtland Commission released Our Common Future, and 20 years after the first Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, The Regeneration Project assesses progress made on the sustainable development agenda and offers a new path forward.

This project is inspired by interviews with sustainable development Pioneers, the Ray Anderson Memorial Interviews, conducted over the last year and will include perspectives from a new generation of innovators and entrepreneurs.

In our first project white paper, we reveal Pioneers’ perspectives on progress made since the 1992 Earth Summit, highlight the need for business to take a lead in sustainable development and raise questions about the future.

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