The Future We Want: Biodiversity and Ecosystems - Driving Sustainability
UNDP’s Biodiversity and Ecosystems Global Framework 2012-2020 seeks to harness the positive opportunities provided by biodiversity and natural ecosystems, as a catalyst for sustainable development. It recognizes the real value of biodiversity and ecosystems to society—in relation to secure livelihoods, food, water and health, enhanced resilience, conservation of threatened species and their habitats, and increased carbon storage and sequestration—and calls for innovation, drawing on the potential of nature, to achieve multiple development dividends.
With forty years of experience in the biodiversity and ecosystems field, working at the national level, UNDP is well placed to work with developing countries and countries in transition to achieve the Aichi Targets by 2020.
The Framework seeks to leverage the organization’s status as a trusted partner of governments and its unique ability to link work on biodiversity and ecosystems with that on poverty reduction, governance, and crisis prevention through integrated programming.
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