The Transparent Economy

What is the future for corporate transparency and sustainability reporting—sometimes called ‘non-‘ or ‘extra-financial’ reporting?  This is the question we tackle in The Transparent Economy, a joint report by Volans and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).

The task: to look out to 2020, analysing the trends that will drive—or constrain—greater transparency and accountability.  The study included an online survey of the GRI community, focusing on seven major trends, subsequently boiled down into the TIGERS agenda (Traceability, Integrated Reporting, Government Leadership, Environmental Boundaries, Rating and Ranking, and Shadow Economies).

  • Download The Transparent Economy here
  • Read Volans’ 2020 Vision of a Transparent Economy here
  • See a short film of the GRI 2010 Conference on Sustainability and Transparency in Review here
  • Perspectives on transparency from

… John Elkington (report author) on the Evolution of Reporting

… Bob Massie (former Director of CERES) - Seeing Through Transparency

… Michael Margolis (Get Storied) - Reporting Goes to Hollywood

… Patrin Watanatada (SustainAbility) on Collaborative Reporting and Open Data

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