Ecodesk 2011 Sustainability & Finance Report

The Ecodesk 2011 Sustainability & Finance Report is a thorough financial and economics based analysis of sustainability data and strategy, affecting all sectors, and using the banks as examples of best practice.

The report includes a detailed analysis of 30 of the world’s major banks. Each bank is ranked via three sustainability metrics (carbon emissions, energy usage and water usage) each broken down into 3 ranking permutations (gross, per capita and intensity).

The report also includes exclusive interviews with sustainability managers from leading banks, as well as a critique of the banking industry’s progress as a whole, and interviews with world leading experts. Each bank is fully profiled, with details on sustainability strategy, employee engagement and sustainability record.

Contents: 50 page digital pdf report

  • Industry data totals and analysis, full verification and methodology
  • Carbon emissions ranking tables and breakdown (3 tables)
  • Energy usage ranking tables and breakdown (3 tables)
  • Water usage ranking tables and breakdown (3 tables)
  • Finance, carbon, energy, offsetting and the search for a common policy
  • Interviews from leading bank’s sustainability managers
  • Q&A with Jennifer Lauber of National Australia Bank, one of the world authorities on carbon trading and the latest from the carbon trading market
  • Global compliance and voluntary framework for reductions, allowances and offsets
  • Individual profiles on each of the 30+ banks, including their environmental strategy and progress.
  • Analysis of the most popular and successful environmental initiatives
  • Sustainability Glossary
  • Methodology and How to Guide on sustainability measurement and publishing
  • Introductory message from Ecodesk CEO Robert Clarke

Content Sample:

Jennifer Lauber Patterson, director of Carbon and Energy markets for NAB Banks is a specialist in environmental and energy markets and has over 20 years of experience in the banking and energy sectors:

A key success factor for our reduction of emissions is that we’ve applied an internal carbon price to our business cases for energy efficiency projects. This is because as a carbon neutral organisation, any emissions remaining after implementation of energy efficiency projects and switching to cleaner fuel sources need to be offset by purchasing carbon credits. Our first priority in our carbon neutral journey has always been to improve our energy efficiency and reduce our carbon emissions, and the internal carbon price has really helped join the dots between financial reality and sustainability initiatives. We’re also fortunate in that we have a clear commitment to environmental sustainability at an Executive level – this has been invaluable. Without it, we wouldn’t have been able to achieve what we have.  We also have the support of an extensive community of passionate green teams across Australia that has been integral to our environmental program.”

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