EBJ: Corporate Sustainability and Sustainability Consulting

EBJ: Corporate Sustainability and Sustainability Consulting

EBJ’s annual analysis of the state of Corporate Sustainability and the Sustainability Consulting business in 2013 features estimates of market size, and marketshare by key service providers. Trends in market drivers, corporate programs, reporting requirements and supported by survey results, interviews with experts and profiles of key sustainability consultants.

Exhibits and data included in and with this issue are:

  • U.S. Sustainability Consulting Market by Provider
  • Internal Decision-Makers in Purchasing Sustainability Services
  • Importance of Factors in Selection of a Sustainability Consultancy
  • Leading Drivers of Sustainability in 2013
  • Key Findings of the Ernst & Young and GreenBiz Group report 2013 Six Growing Trends in Corporate Sustainability
  • Selected Sustainability Boutique Acquisitions in 2011-2013
  • Buyers’ Awareness of and Engagement With Sustainability Consultancies
  • Verdantix’ Three Phases of Sustainability Consulting Market Development
  • Selected Leaders in Sustainability Consulting
  • Greenbiz: Trends In The State Of Green Business
  • Resource Externalities: Ranking of Largest Impacts in Regional Sectors by Natural Capital Cost
  • Resource Externalities: Ranking of Regional Sectors by Greatest Overall Natural Capital Impact
  • A Brief History of Natural Capital
  • Scope 1, 2 and 3 Emissions
  • ET Global 800: Scope 3 Benchmark Companies

Table of Contents

01.Sustainability consulting remains an open field of management consultants, environmental firms and dedicated experts as corporate initiatives wax and wane with tides of government policy, financial disclosure and consumer activism.pg 1-7

02.Corporate sustainability programs shift with growing emphasis on supply chains, accounting disclosure, resource management and material risks.pg 8-12

03.Environmental economics in vogue as corporations address natural capital.pg 12-15

04.Sustainability reporting advances with stock exchanges raising the bar.pg 16-19

05.Green infrastructure a feature of new focus on storm response.pg 19-22

06.Q&A with former UNFCC leader Yvo de Boer, now with KPMG.pg 23-25

07.Profiles and opinions of sustainability consultants: GreenBiz, Ernst & Young, Cadmus Group, YR&G, Strategic Sustainability Consulting and Framework.pg 25-33


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