Business and sustainable disaster recovery: Rebuilding more resilient communities

Business and sustainable disaster recovery: Rebuilding more resilient communities

This paper was informed by discussions at the Disaster Preparedness Forum 2014, which brought together thought leaders from the business, media, government and humanitarian sectors. It outlines opportunities for collaborative efforts in disaster recovery between these sectors with a view to providing a pathway to a more sustainable and resilient development.

This publication is structured around four sections:

Building capacities for disaster recovery is everyone’s business outlines the business case for corporate engagement in collaborative efforts with government and humanitarian agencies and highlights the need to build preparedness for effective response and recovery.

Driving business sector engagement in disaster recovery outlines the key barriers for strategic business engagements in recovery and suggests ways in which all sectors can help overcome them.

Areas for strategic business engagements highlights opportunities for business engagement and lists recommendations for business action in four key areas: sustainable reconstruction, livelihood recovery, leveraging local markets, and recovery of micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises.

A call for action concludes that concerted efforts are needed to help disaster-prone economies in the Asia-Pacific region better withstand and recover from recurrent natural hazards.

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