World Ocean Council to address UN Ocean Meeting

The World Ocean Council CEO, Paul Holthus, has been invited to be on the opening panel of the annual UN Oceans and the Law of the Sea meeting, a gathering established by the UN General Assembly.

The event will take place at UN Headquarters in New York City on 6-10 April with the theme: Oceans and sustainable development: Integration of environmental, social and economic dimensions.

The WOC has been invited to provide the opening overview on the economic aspects of ocean sustainable development. The opening panel will also include senior representatives of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the International Labor Organization (ILO), who will address the environmental and social aspects, respectively.

The WOC has achieved recognition with the UN and a growing number of other intergovernmental bodies as the global, multi-sectoral industry alliance on ocean sustainable development.

The WOC is increasingly sought after - and is uniquely able and positioned - to ensure that the diverse ocean business community is engaged in intergovernmental ocean policy, governance and planning developments, especially regarding the efforts of leadership companies to address ocean sustainability, science and stewardship.

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