Wilmar Recognised as Global Sustainability Frontrunner by Dow Jones Sustainability Indices

Wilmar Recognised as Global Sustainability Frontrunner by Dow Jones Sustainability Indices

Singapore, 15 November 2021 – Wilmar International Limited (Wilmar) today announced its inclusion in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) World Index for the Food, Beverage and Tobacco industry grouping. Wilmar joins the ranks of 322 global companies on the World Index with the best environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance after having previously been included in the DJSI Asia Pacific Index in 2020. 

Wilmar scored 70 points in the S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA), with an industry average of 25 points and an industry best score of 88 points. The CSA utilises comprehensive methodology and research focusing on best-in-class companies to determine scoring based on environmental, social, governance and economic criteria, with a strong emphasis on long-term shareholder value.

Jeremy Goon, Chief Sustainability Officer for Wilmar said, “We are honoured to be recognised once again for our sustainability commitments and efforts through our inclusion in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices. We are further encouraged by our inclusion in the primary DJSI World Index, following our previous inclusion in the DJSI Asia Pacific Index in 2020.”

“Our inclusion in the well-regarded DJSI World Index is affirmation that we are progressing on the right track in our sustainability journey, as we strive to create positive value and impact through our business. This is particularly important given the ongoing global challenges faced by the many different layers of society, brought upon by the pandemic. Hence, as a leading vertically integrated agriculture and food products company, we persist with our sustainability pursuits beyond our own operations as we continue to drive the transformation of our industry towards becoming more sustainable and responsible”, he continued.

The DJSI, including the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI World), were launched in 1999 as the pioneering series of global sustainability benchmarks available in the market. The index family is comprised of global, regional and country benchmarks.

Manjit Jus, Global Head of ESG Research, S&P Global said “We congratulate Wilmar for being included in the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index. A DJSI distinction is a reflection of being a sustainability leader in your industry. The record number of companies participating in the 2021 S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment is testament to the growing movement for ESG disclosure and transparency.”

Wilmar’s inclusion in DJSI World comes on the heels of its recent joint statement with ten of the largest global agricultural trading and processing companies at the World Leaders’ Summit on Forests and Land Use at COP26 committing to a sectoral roadmap for enhanced supply chain action that is consistent with a 1.5 degrees Celsius pathway to be achieved by COP27. The statement by the ten companies, with a combined annual revenue of almost USD 500 billion, reinforces the urgency for collective action to identify solutions at scale for deforestation and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

In June this year, Wilmar was included in the FTSE4Good Developed Index as well as the FTSE4Good ASEAN 5 Index. The FTSE4Good Index Series is one of the world’s first global Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) index families.


As a leading agribusiness group, Wilmar recognises that we have a fundamental role to play in developing quality products required by the world while ensuring we have a responsible and sustainable manner of production. We adopt a holistic approach to sustainability that is fully integrated with our business model.

Guided by the philosophy that our business must enhance stakeholder value while minimizing our environmental footprint, our business practices are aligned with universally acceptable social and environmental standards. Wilmar’s No Deforestation, No Peat, No Exploitation (NDPE) Policy and NDPE Sugar Policy, introduced in 2013 and 2021 respectively, underpin our aspiration to make a positive impact and drive transformation across the palm oil and sugar sectors.

For more information, please visit www.wilmar-international.com/sustainability.

Vathani Panirchellvum
Sustainability Communications


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