whl.travel Welcomes Indonesia’s Coastal Paradise of Manado

Through a new partnership between whl.travel and the Manado-Hotels.Asia portal, visitors have access to truly local, wonderful experiences in Manado with plenty of opportunities to give back to the community and support sustainable tourism.

“We are so glad and very excited for the launch of the website. We are looking forward to meeting travellers from around the globe and showing them the land of blessings, Manado,” says Bobby Aditya Sena, Business Director of Manado-Hotels.Asia. “We are very thankful to the team of whl.travel for supporting us with their great system and for being so helpful during our process of updating our website. We look forward to a long-term partnership with whl.travel and to working together to be the best travel information and accommodation provider in the world.”

As the provincial capital of North Sulawesi in Indonesia, the coastal town of Manado is the stunning region’s gateway, a perfect base from which to explore its many natural attractions. Surrounded by lush greenery, azure seas, majestic volcanoes, beautiful waterfalls and an abundance of natural beauty, Manado truly is an ideal destination for travellers looking to enjoy ecotourism experiences.

Beautiful, colourful reefs can be enjoyed just by snorkelling around Bunaken Marine Park near Manado, Indonesia! Photo courtesy of Bobby Aditya Sena

One of the biggest draws is the incredible coral reef lying just offshore, most of it protected by Bunaken National Marine Park. There are plenty of underwater adventures that bring you close to the reef’s amazing marine life, as well as the chance to experience “muck diving” in the nearby Lembeh Strait.

While the scuba diving in Manado is superb, Manado’s pristine coastline is also notable for its gorgeous sandy beaches, clear waters for snorkelling and, slightly inland, even white-water rafting.

For travellers who would rather keep their feet on dry land, other adventures await. A day tour from Manado visits the Tangkoko Nature Reserve to see the world’s smallest primate! Travellers can also embark on a day trip through the Minahasa Highlands to see pagodas, rice fields, lakes and a stunning view of Manado itself. Volcanoes, waterfalls and lush green rice paddies are just some of the other wonderful sights that await.

Since so much of the region’s tourism is intertwined with the region’s natural beauty, many Manado hotels and tour operators are committed to preserving their surroundings through responsible and sustainable tourism.

The gorgeous sunset with the silhouette of Manado Tua and Bunaken islands is always a breathtaking sight at the end of each day spent in Manado, Indonesia. Photo courtesy of Bobby Aditya Sena

The Travello Manado Hotel, for example, has an energy-saving program in place to reduce the hotel’s environmental impact. Sedona Hotel focuses instead on giving back to the community through its tourism training program for public school students. Diving tours in Bunaken and Lembeh Strait also contribute directly to the local government’s efforts to sustain underwater marine life. In fact, all of the local guides usually participate in the area’s annual clean-up event to make sure that the beautiful marine life in the North Sulawesi waters stay healthy for years to come.

In the great archipelago of Indonesia, Manado is the latest whl.travel destination, following Aceh, Makassar & Toraja, and Komodo and Lesser Sunda Islands.

The Travel Word is the online mouthpiece of the WHL Group and draws on a vast pool of ideas generated by local tour operators, partners, suppliers and more. Our blog - http://www.thetravelword.com - showcases responsible, sustainable and local travel. We are committed to inspiring mindful and independent travellers headed off the beaten path with local businesses making responsible and sustainable decisions about their destinations. Through anecdotes, articles, profiles, opinion pieces and news, our local voices aim to inform travellers about unique and ethical ways to experience a destination, travel responsibly and help sustain the distinctive qualities of a place.

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