Waterfront Resorts Reborn: Discovering Dynamic Reefs and Revenue

It’s an open secret in the waterfront resort community. For the past 40 years resorts have considered little beyond the high tide mark. With the help of a unique environmental design team they are rediscovering acres of property, client engagement, and new sources of revenue.

Reef Worlds, a Los Angeles based Dynamic Reef Development Company, recently discovered 500,000 square miles of premium resort development space and it’s sitting in front of some of the top luxury resorts on the planet.

“Our team was shocked,” said Dave Taylor Director of Design at Reef Worlds after reviewing the state of resort waterfronts. “We discovered  5 star properties with half star waterfronts, zones beyond the high tide mark where natural reefs, colorful fish, and habitat were essentially gone, replaced with some old tires, turtle grass, and dead coral and this was a global phenomenon.”

Over the past 40 years while waterfront resorts have focused on land based amenities and water parks the industry assumed the ocean “would take care of its self.” Resort revenue areas that once attracted snorkelers and divers to the region would always be healthy and vibrant.

“That’s just not the case,” Taylor explained, “complex environments need to be looked after and tended to, the fact is the current state of waterfronts has never been worse and that affects the resort bottom line. People want to snorkel; they want to engage with the oceans and ocean wildlife and some of the most successful revenue building water programs involve wildlife like Stingray City in the Caymans for example. Today’s travelers want to create their own unique vacation content and share it via social media with their networks; no one wants to share images of an old tire.”

Reef Worlds Dynamic Reef teams survey resort waterfronts and wildlife potential and create made to order Dynamic Reef environments, harnessing 5000 years of iconic design elements create entire worlds underwater for snorkelers and divers to explore.

“The fact is most resorts have at least 10-20 acres of usable space in front of their properties. Right now these spaces generate no revenue; they do nothing for social media, branding, or the regional environment. Now imagine these same spaces with carefully designed snorkel trails, environmentally safe habitat creation, and the look and feel of a Lost World to be discovered?”

Dynamic Reefs vs Artificial Reefs

Dynamic Reefs allow resort and developments to synergistically take design elements and branding from their property and place it in the oceans. Unlike artificial reefs, Dynamic Reefs focus on both the environment and tourism to create a conscious blend of revenue generation and environmental support. No two waterfront spaces are the same so the design and build must suit both regional wildlife and tourism needs.

“This is how resorts will tackle the complex issues facing them over the next decade,” said Taylor, “by looking at their entire resort footprint and maximizing every aspect in a sustainable manner. At Reef Worlds we know what the underwater environment can look like and how habitat creation is good for not only colorful fish and corals, but increased tourism and engagement.”

Reef Worlds design teams imagine a world where miles of resorts coastlines around the world are transformed by Dynamic Reefs into mini marine protected areas that also serve tourism to create a better environment for future generations.

About Reef Worlds

At the intersection of art, science, and the environment is Reef Worlds. When a unique team of film and television designers, dive site developers, and marine biologists got together they dreamt of a better way to experience the undersea realm.The result was Reef Worlds.

Visit their website www.reefworlds.com

Call 323.863.5085

Send an email developer@reefworlds.com

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