TÜV Rheinland Promotes Wind Energy Development

TÜV Rheinland participated in China Wind Power 2012 (CWP) at the Beijing China International Exhibition Centre (New Wing) on 15-17 November 2012. This was our first opportunity to present efficient and effective services in wind turbine qualification and certification for Chinese turbine and component manufacturers.

TÜV Rheinland is accredited by the German Accreditation Body (DAkkS) as a certification body for the type and component certification of wind turbines in accordance with the international standard IEC 61400 series. This authorises us to conduct conformity assessments of onshore and offshore turbines and their components and issue certificates accordingly.

Type approvals of wind turbines by the neutral certification body TÜV Rheinland allows manufacturers to avoid the hassle of submitting every single turbine for a separate test. The certification process comprises several steps. Based on the turbine design, it includes a comprehensive assessment of the construction documents and an evaluation of the manufacturing process, including quality management and prototype testing by neutral experts. The tests cover design requirements and safety related issues, along with turbine design, gear systems and rotor blades, among other elements. Optional assessments of the foundations and additional measurements can be conducted. The results are expert reports for the verification of the complete system and its components. Upon final evaluation, the process is completed with the issuance of the appropriate certificate to the manufacturer. Wind turbine type approval significantly increases product acceptance, particularly in export markets.

TÜV Rheinland offers manufacturers, operators, investors and insurance companies a comprehensive range of wind energy services. We support customers worldwide with expert reports and measurements, perform risk and damage analyses as well as certifications of onshore and offshore wind turbines and wind energy projects.

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