Taiwan international water week coming back in October 2022

Taiwan international water week coming back in October 2022

The most anticipated B2B exhibition in the water industry, “Taiwan International Water Week” (TIWW), will be held at the Taipei World Trade Center, Hall 1 from October 13 to 15, 2022.

Organised by TWTC and co-organised by TAITRA, TIWW focuses on achieving water sustainability with smart technologies and providing an excellent gateway for global enterprises to enter the Taiwan and Asia markets. It is ideal for companies to apply to exhibit at this exclusive platform to find new business opportunities in water.

It has become a global consensus to cherish our natural resources and pursue environmental sustainability. The theme of this year’s Earth Day is “Invest in our planet,” which evokes governments and enterprises around the world to promote and implement “environment, social, governance (ESG)” to realise the sustainable future of a “green economy.”

Among all natural resources, water is both vital for people’s lives and the foundation of economic development. However, according to a UN report, Taiwan is listed as the 18th country at risk of water scarcity in the world due to its narrow topography, crowded population, uneven distribution of rainfall, and ever-increasing demands for industrial water.

Therefore, Taiwan’s government has drawn up a nearly USD 5 billion budget for water infrastructure, including desalination plants and water-recycling plants (WRPs). What’s more, the government is going to start imposing water conservation charges on users consuming more than 1,000 tons of water per month in July, and incentivizing big industrial water users to use reclaimed and desalinated water to improve the overall water environment in Taiwan.

Exhibit at TIWW 2022—Taiwan’s exclusive water-related B2B exhibition to facilitate your global business

作為台灣唯一與水相關的貿易展,TIWW 2022 展示了整體水解決方案並展示了全球行業趨勢。此外,它還設有“再生水與處理”、“運輸與儲存”、“智慧水技術”、“淨水設備與飲用水”、“過程控制技術與自動化”、“綠色基礎設施”六個展區、公共部門和相關服務”,涵蓋水的完整產業鏈。


迄今為止,TIWW團隊已收到政府部門和行業的重要參與者的申請,包括MOEA WRA、工務署、台北市政府、工業技術研究所(ITRI)、川益電機廠、 Ltd.、Envirolink Corporation 和 Gungdai Technology Co., Ltd. 此外,台灣功能水協會和台灣環境製造商協會 (TEMA) 也將通過組織展館參與 TIWW 2022。

TIWW 2022是您展示產品、把握國際行業趨勢、尋求全球商機的最佳、最值得信賴的平台。TIWW團隊誠邀業界大咖加盟,邁向新的里程碑!申請參展:www.taiwanintlwaterweek.com/en/或聯繫 TIWW 團隊:tiww@taitra.org.tw。

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