Sustainable shipping programmes: Synergies to be explored at SOS

The World Ocean Council (WOC) is bringing together the shipping industry’s sustainability and environmental performance initiatives at the Sustainable Ocean Summit (SOS), Singapore, 9-11 November, to explore possible synergies for better serving the shipping industry and better delivering results.

At this session, the shipping industry will have an unprecedented opportunity to provide input and drive improvements in the cost-effectiveness, efficiency and delivery of results that could be achieved through increased synergies, coordination, communication and collaboration among the programs.

The SOS 2015 session on “Shipping, Sustainability and Synergies: Engaging Green Shipping Initiatives with Each Other and with Other Ocean Industries” will be chaired by INTERMEPA and the panel of programs includes, to date:

  • Sustainable Shipping Initiative (SSI)
  • Rightship
  • Clean Cargo Working Group, Business for Social Responsibility (BSR)
  • Clear Seas Canada
  • Green Award
  • Carbon War Room

Other sustainable/green/environmental shipping initiatives and programs are invited to participate in the panel as well.

This unique gathering will address:

  • There are an increasing number of initiatives and programs addressing the sustainable/green/environmental aspects of shipping.
  • Are there needs and opportunities for harmonization, collaboration or even merging to improve value, efficiency and effectiveness of these programs?
  • What are the needs and opportunities for synergies and economies of scale through interaction with the other ocean industry efforts?

The updated <a href=””>Sustainable Ocean Summit program</a> is now available.

Conference space is becoming limited, so <a href=””>register for SOS 2015</a> to not miss the opportunity to participate in this 2-yearly gathering of the ocean business community to address leadership and collaboration in “Corporate Ocean Responsibility”.

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