Stanford Magnets launches neodymium magnets for wind turbines

Stanford Magnets is always striving to develop the latest advanced, custom made products at competitive prices. It is contributing to the growth of wind energy with cost-effective, reliable and durable neodymium magnets.

Rita Wang, magnet specialist from Stanford Magnets says, “Neodymium Arc Magnets are the perfect fit for wind turbines. They are made from super strong N42 NdFeB (Nd2Fe14B), and coated with Nickel to avoid oxidization.

The dimensions of this big Neodymium Arc Magnet is 8” outer diameter x 4” inner diameter x 1/4” thick, with a 22.50 degree angle, magnetized through thickness. Sixteen pieces of Neodymium Arc Magnets can form a ring.”

Stanford Magnets provide high quality neodymium magnets used in large scale in commercial wind turbines to ensure high energy-efficiency and good reliability for the whole generator systems.

About Stanford Magnets

Stanford Magnets has been involved in the R&D, manufacturing and sales of permanent magnets since the mid-1980s. The company supplies rare earth permanent magnetic products such as neodymium magnets, samarium cobalt magnets and various non-rare earth permanent magnets. The company provides rare earth magnets to various customers in different fields, such as Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), loud speakers, wind turbines and mechanical devices. For further information, please visit Stanford Magnet’s website at:

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