SOMPO HOLDINGS redefined group’s CSR material issues

Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Holdings, Inc. (Group CEO: Kengo Sakurada, hereinafter “SOMPO HOLDINGS”) has redefined its Group’s CSR material issues in keeping with the trends in global society.

CSR initiatives to-date and background to review

Up until now, SOMPO HOLDINGS has established the Group CSR vision and identified its CSR material issues to achieve the vision while leveraging the CSR initiatives continuously implemented.

SOMPO HOLDINGS has also promoted initiatives based on the Group’s CSR key performance indicators (CSR-KPIs). SOMPO HOLDINGS has taken this opportunity to redefine the material issues formulated in 2012, with the aim of further contributing to the realisation of a sustainable society and its group’s growth, based on the trends in global society, namely, the adoption by the United Nations General Assembly in September 2015 of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for 2030, the adoption of a new international framework on climate change at the 21st annual Conference of the Parties (COP21) in December (Paris Agreement), and the group’s environmental changes such as the expansion of business activities.

Group CSR’s materiality (2016)

Based upon our CSR Group Vision, following Three Key Strengths are of critical importance for us.

1) Developing and providing innovative products and services using financial expertise and digital technologies to provide innovative solutions for social issues.

2) Promoting the development of advanced human skills by fostering partnerships with stakeholders representative of broad sectors of civil society.

3)Promoting the quality of life and its enrichment by the application throughout all our operations of our expertise and resources in the arts and culture.

SOMPO HOLDINGS has redefined its Five CSR Material Issues, the Group’s framework for achieving its CSR Vision to realize a resilient and sustainable society by providing products and services that contribute to security, health, and wellbeing.

(1) Providing Solutions for Disaster Preparedness

Provide products and services to help improve disaster resilience, and collaborate with stakeholders on realizing a safer, more secure world.

(2)Contributing to Health and Welfare

Provide high-quality nursing care and healthcare services, and implement projects that promote health and welfare with the aim of creating a society where all people are able to lead a fulfilling life.

(3)Promoting the Manageability of Global Environmental Issues

Contribute to climate change adaptation and mitigation, biodiversity conservation, and other global environmental goals through value chain initiatives and provision of new solutions.

(4)Empowering Community and Society

Through community outreach and initiatives in culture and the arts, improve the lives of people in local communities and become their most trusted corporate citizen.

(5) Supporting Diversity and Inclusion in Private and Public Life

Respect the human rights and individuality of all stakeholders, supporting them in their pursuit of professional and personal development.

Examples of initiatives for the five material issues

(1) Providing Solutions for Disaster Preparedness: Bosai JAPAN-DA Project—a program to disseminate disaster prevention knowledge, Smiling Road—safe driving support system for companies, Portable Smiling Road—a mobile phone app for safe driving support system for individuals.

(2) Contributing to Health and Welfare: nursing care business, health and productivity management service.

(3) Tackling Global Environmental Issues: weather index insurance in Southeast Asia, SAVE JAPAN Project— biodiversity conservation activities in Japan.

(4) Empowering Communities and Society: Volunteer Days undertaken in collaboration with civil society, support for recovery from the natural disasters.

(5) Fostering Diversity and Inclusion: promoting diversity such as women’s participation in business, development of a personnel and welfare system for LGBT employees.

Going forward

SOMPO HOLDINGS will contribute to the realisation of a resilient and sustainable society, actively working to resolve social issues as a group-wide effort by deciding its Group’s CSR-KPIs based on the new CSR material issues and measures, promoting initiatives through PDCA, and working to improve performance.

SOMPO HOLDINGS will conduct further reviews of material issues as necessary in the future taking into account the latest trends in global society and changes to our business environment. We will publish details of the material issues review process and the situation surrounding each of the measures we are working on in the Corporate Responsibility Communication 2016 report that will be available in August.

Reference: Material issues review process

(1) Analyse guidelines

We narrowed down high priority items according to international guidelines relating to social responsibility such as SDGs, ISO 26000, GRI G4 Guidelines, and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, as well as considering the impact on society and the importance for SOMPO HOLDINGS business activities and long-term value creation.

(2) Multi-stakeholder engagement

We exchanged opinions with 17 stakeholder institutions and organizations including CSR experts, stockholders and investors, governments, civil society organisations, consumers, agencies, outside directors, and employees.

(3) Group engagement

We decided items following discussions by the group company-wide CSR Management Headquarters and the Management Committee.

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