Singaporeans raising $6,500 for world first ethical shopping hackathon

Singaporeans are coming together in support of the first ever hackathon focused on ethical shopping: the Good Living Design Jam. This novel event will bring together experts in social & digital media to develop interactive media that can inspire consumers to buy products that are good for society and the environment.

More than $3,000 has been raised to date, with donations ranging from $10 to $500.

Ethical shopping is the idea that consumers use their spending to take action on the issues that they care about, such as buying from companies that are more environmentally friendly, or that treat their workers fairly.

Organisers of the Good Living Design Jam are very pleased with the way crowdfunding has helped to gather a community with a shared interest for changing the way we shop: “People have told us this will never work, that Singaporean’s don’t care enough, but I’ve never really believed that, and it’s very gratifying to be able to see a community come together to show a passion for caring for people and the planet” said Chris Jensen, Founder of Good for Us, the organisation behind the event.

In the last year, incidents in the clothing and electronics industries have brought more attention to factory worker’s safety and to the impact our spending can have on others.

The Good Living Design Jam will be held on September 27th and 28th. The team is still seeking donations for their event. Crowdfunding closes on 26 July, 2014, and donations can be made at

About Good for Us

Good for Us is a social enterprise that seeks to enable everyone to know that their daily actions contribute to a better world and a good life for everyone.

Good for Us compiles and simplifies information and stories on the impacts that companies have on the world. Through our website consumers can find and support the brands that are acting on the issues we all care about.

With support from the Ground-Up Initiative (GUI) community, Good for Us seeks to enable people to spread the values nurtured in that community through our shopping choices.

More information can be found at

About the Good Living Design Jam

The Good Living Design Jam is a two day hackathon event to bring together digital and social media experts to redesign the way we shop for a fair, just and sustainable world.

We want to make conscious consumption an exciting and essential part of our shopping experience, and ultimately, of our identity.

Over the two days, participants will develop apps, videos, social media and other viral content to make it more exciting for consumers to discover and act on the impact that things we buy have on the world.

More information can be found at

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