Romanian singer Delia launches campaign to protect forests

Romanian singer Delia has launched a campaign called #DeliaVerde to give her fans the opportunity to get involved in environmental awareness and together try to save some of the world’s standing forest. To achieve this, she has become an ambassador of ALLCOT Group.

“Earth is on track to lose a great area of forested land by mid-century. Forests are the lungs of the earth and our greatest ally in fighting climate change. They absorb carbon and turn atmospheric CO2, water and sunlight into wood, while producing the oxygen we breathe. Protecting forests and restoring those that have been degraded are among the easiest options we have for slowing climate change. It doesn’t require any new technological breakthrough — it simply requires each of us to join in. Therefore I have decided to get involved in environmental awareness and try to save, with the help of my fans, the world’s forests”, said Delia.

“For that reason, I have allied with ALLCOT Group from Switzerland, which supports forestry conservation, the prevention of rampant deforestation and giving degraded forests an opportunity to regenerate. I want to help to preserve our planet and to prevent further deforestation”, she highlights.

ALLCOT’s Amazonian forest project, promoted in Romania by CARBON EXPERT, prevents deforestation of high conservation value forest, thus avoiding net emissions of more than 20 Million tCO2e over the project’s 40-year lifetime. Itsupports more than 130 families who live and practice subsistence farming for their livelihoods and provides protected habitat for vulnerable animals.

“ALLCOT is delighted to be partnering with Delia on her sustainability journey. Entering the Romanian market is a clear strategic objective of ours, so this collaboration is very exciting for us to be involved with.’’, said Alexis Leroy, CEO, ALLCOT.

“As partners of a global company, I see the negative impact that pollution and emissions cause. We have two options: do the right thing or ignore the obvious. With melting ice caps, terrible droughts, and lack of ownership in keeping our planet pure, we have decided to promote ALLCOT sustainability projects to reduce CO2 emissions in this part of Europe, says Casiana Fometescu, Carbon Expert.

Delia fans can get involved and show their support for this project too – it’s easy.They can buy carbon credits which are generated by the project, with each representingthe equivalent of one tonne of CO2 saved from entering the atmosphere, with the proceeds going towards ongoing conservation of the protected forestry project. More information on the project and how to get involved are available at and the Delia Official Facebook page.

About Carbon Expert

Carbon Expert is an independent consultant based in Eastern Europe, specialising in the CO2 emissions and international voluntary carbon markets. For more information about Carbon Expert, please contact Casiana Fometescu, .


ALLCOT is an end to end sustainability solutions provider that develops, manages and trades in all sectors related with climate mitigation. For more information on ALLCOT, please contact Grattan MacGiffin, .

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