Production of first EnergySail begins at factory

In another important step towards bringing its rigid sail technology onto ships Eco Marine Power (EMP) is pleased to announce that work has commenced on the production of an EnergySail in Onomichi, Japan. This first ever factory produced EnergySail is being manufactured by EMP’s strategic partner - Teramoto Iron Works.

The EnergySail® (patent pending) is an automated rigid sail device that enables ships to utilize the power of the wind to reduce fuel consumption and lower vessel emissions. It can also be fitted with flexible marine-grade solar panels or other devices and used to charge batteries or the electrical power can be fed into EMP’s Aquarius MAS + Solar solution.

Longer term the EnergySail will be a critical element of EMP’s patented Aquarius MRE system. Aquarius MRE® is an advanced integrated system of rigid sails, solar panels, energy storage modules, sensors and marine computers that will enable ships to tap into renewable energy by harnessing the power provided by the wind and sun. The solar power component of Aquarius MRE has already been released for commercial use.

EMP’s EnergySail technology is scalable and can be applied to vessels ranging from coastal freighters to large passenger ferries and cruise ships. EMP is also studying along with a number of other companies, variations of the EnergySail design that could be applied to unmanned surface vessels (USV’s) and marine robotic vessels (MRV’s). Elements of the technology might also be suitable for offshore marine renewable energy platforms.

The detailed mechanical design and production of the EnergySail is being led by Teramoto Iron Works Co., Ltd. Teramoto Iron Works is located in Onomichi, Japan, and is a leading manufacturer of high quality equipment for ships, oil rigs & barges. Teramoto Iron Works were involved in the production of rigid sails in Japan in the 1980’s and the company has over many decades been at forefront of bringing innovative products to the maritime sector.

The production and shore-based testing of the EnergySail is schedule to be completed in the 2nd half of 2016. This will be followed by an extended evaluation phase including trials on-board a ship and consultation with classification organisations.

EMP is also currently working to finalise the sensor package for the EnergySail. This will allow for the device to be fully automated when linked to the EnergySail Automated Control System (ACS). The EnergySail ACS is being developed in co-operation with KEI System of Osaka, Japan.

The Furukawa Battery Co., Ltd. is also involved in the EnergySail project and will provide an energy storage solution.

EMP will exhibit some of the EnergySail related technologies at Sea Japan 2016 in Tokyo between 13th-15th April.

For more information about the EnergySail please see: EnergySail: Wind & Solar Power for Low Emission Shipping

About Eco Marine Power

Eco Marine Power Co. Ltd. (EMP) is an internationally focused technology company that develops renewable energy based fuel saving and emission reduction solutions for ships including passenger ferries, survey ships, oil tankers and cargo vessels. These technologies include the EnergySail® (Patent Pending), Aquarius MAS and the patented Aquarius MRE®.

EMP also develops sustainable ship concepts that incorporate the latest renewable energy technologies and is currently working on a number of design projects including Aquarius Eco Ship and Aquarius Unmanned Surface Vessel (USV). The company is based in Fukuoka, Japan. To read more about Eco Marine Power please visit:

Media enquiries:
Greg Atkinson
Director & Chief Technology Officer
Phone: +81 92 287 9677

Eco Marine Power®, EnergySail® and Aquarius MRE® are registered trademarks of Eco Marine Power Co., Ltd.

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