Offshore wind vessel health and safety takes the spotlight in Hamburg

Leading vessel contractor A2SEA is shedding light on how safety has become an integrated part of the way A2SEA work both internally and externally.

Kirsten Bank Christensen will be talking about how A2SEA complies with health and safety expectations in a panel discussion with offshore wind’s biggest operator, DONG Energy.

With offshore wind moving farshore vessel load capacities need to increase and the logistical elements of this require an increased focus on health and safety.

A2SEA’s Vice President for Group HSEQ will be joined by DONG Energy’s Director & Head of HSE in a debate around what is available in terms of safe, fit for purpose vessels that have been created specifically for the offshore wind industry. During which they will also touch on whether the current fleets available on the market are in need of up-scaling as turbines and foundations get bigger.

When commenting on her involvement in the debate, Kirsten Bank Christensen, Vice President for Group HSEQ at A2SEA said, “Health & safety in vessel operations is and has always been of paramount importance to us. I am delighted to be sharing our views of this important topic in a way that can demonstrate how our evolving industry is rising to meet logistical challenges and requirements as the offshore wind industry moves farshore.”

For more information on the summit please visit:

For more information on A2SEA please visit:

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