Official launch of the Ocean Phoenix project

SAS Ocean Phoenix is proud to present the concept of a giant factory-ship capable of eradicating the layers of plastic waste in the North Pacific Ocean and other Oceans around the world.

The design of this giant factory-ship, named “Ocean Phoenix”, enables the retrieval, compression and packing of ocean pollution in accordance with road transportation regulations. Each of these steps will take place on the Ocean Phoenix itself, prior to the transferal of the aforementioned waste to an accompanying support vessel, which will transport it onshore for recycling.

The Ocean Phoenix does not discriminate between shipping containers, multi-ton logs (occasionally found where currents converge), plastic waste (and other forms of debris) as well as plastic microbeads, practically the size of plankton.

The Ocean Phœnix’s technical specifications are impressive: 360m in length and 115m in width (the size of two supertankers side by side).

Designed by Serge Menard, the Ocean Phoenix concept is patented (patent delivered in France in 2013 and extended internationally in 2015).

A fleet of 20 ships would be able to treat an area of roughly 6 million square kilometers in 10 years, or more with the aid of supplemental ships, depending on the total area of the waste layers (typically estimated at between 6 to 12 million km²).

In order to provide a better idea of the Ocean Phoenix’s capabilities, one needs only compare the volume of water that enters itstankto that of Niagara Falls. Treating a volume of 33,000 m³ per second, the Ocean Phoenix has an output 5.7 times greater than Niagara Falls during its peak season.

Highly autonomous and possessing the means to produce rapidly and continually (on a 24/7 basis), the Ocean Phoenix is a key element in the fight against ocean pollution.

About Serge MENARD :

He is the inventor of the Ocean Phoenix concept, he is also president of SAS Ocean Phoenix.

Born in 1954, Serge Menard is a Norman Frenchman who has mainly resided in southern France for the past ten years.

After an education in mechanical engineering, Serge’s career went in an atypical direction. He had always maintained ties with the marine industry, first through a fishery owner he had known for twenty years, then through the development of a major initiative in offshore aquaculture with the support of a consortium of industrialists based in Upper Normandy, France. This process put him in contact with naval engineers, offshore oil technicians, and marine biologists working in the private sector or at universities.

Having acquired a wealth of knowledge from this experience, the Founder began to focus on naval and offshore designs intended to protect the oceans, offshore aquaculture, and to support the marine industries of developing third world countries.

About SAS Ocean Phoenix:

The SAS Ocean Phoenix is a commercial company established in southern France, approximately 5 minutes away from Nice Côte d’Azur Airport.

The SAS Ocean Phoenix’s objective is to finance and implement Phase 1 of the project’s industrial launch and to coordinate and prepare the development of the project with future entities of the Ocean Phoenix Organization.

It will promote the project’s launch by advertising products related to the Ocean Phoenix, such as an exclusive series of commemorative medals offered to sponsors of the project.

The company will also consolidate all the technical aspects necessary for the industrialization of the project by undertaking the preliminary studies relating to construction and the operation of the fleet’s ships. For more information, please visit our company website:

SAS Ocean Phoenix
+33 675 662 687

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