Newly-opened Yishun Community Hospital uses Ecospec’s BacComber

Ecospec is honored to be part of the newly opened Yishun Community Hospital as they are using the Certified Singapore Green Building Product popularly known as the BacComber (ULF) Ultra Low Frequency Water Treatment System giving the full assurance and compliance that water being use on their cooling towers operation are being treated correctly by not harming the environment and free from the conventional use of chemicals.

BacComber meets the strictest water treatment bacteria control requirements thus it helps well assure the safety of the patients of the hospital. It also gives them a significant savings on water and energy consumption usage for this BacComber is a certified green product by the SGBC (Singapore Green Building Council).

Additionally, it has a consistent water performance for it has an all day (24 hours) non-stop water treatment without the need of human or manual operation of the system. Yishun Community Hospital had truly made the right choice and this signifies that they are one of the major hospitals in Singapore deeply committed on Green Sustainability endeavor as this BacComber is now the new cooling tower water treatment standard for green building.

Ecospec is humbly confident that other hospitals and other medical health institutions will follow soon of recognizing the bad impact of chemical treated water and turn their preference on a much safer and certified green product like the BacComber following Yishun Community Hospital, Singapore National Heart Centre and Ng Teng Fong Hospital.

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