marcus evans To Host Smart Cities Conference in Incheon

marcus evans is proud to present the Smart Cities conference which will take place on the 24th to 26th October in the Grand Hyatt Incheon, South Korea. This dual streamed conference will focus on Smart Governance, and Smart Urban Design and Development.

The three day conference will feature an exclusive post conference site tour to Songdo International Business District (Songdo IBD). Delegates would be able to explore behind the scenes innovations and smartness of the 5 Songdo Smart City Facilities, e.g G-IFEZ Processing and reuse Facility of the Wastewater, Promotion Centre, IFEZ U-City Operation Centre, Songdo Central Park Automatic Collection Facility of Living Wastes.

Expert presentations will include Bryan Ju- Young, Director General of Incheon Metropolitan City, Dr Solahuddin Bin Shamsuddin, Chief Technology Officer and Chief Information Security Officer of Cyber Security Malaysia, Dr Young-Jun Moon, Chief director National Transport Technology R&D Center, The Korea Transport Institute (KOTI), Gilles Betis, Project Director, Transdev (France), Zheng Xiaoping, Group Director, Bazo Group (China), Sid HyoGeun Kim Managing Director, Korea Green Building Council, and Dr. Sekhar Kondepudi Associate Professor – Smart Buildings, Smart Cities & IoT Director, School of Design & Environment, National University of Singapore amongst many other distinguished speakers.

This event is supported by Incheon Tourism Organisation, Korea Green Building Council (KGBC), CityNet, WeGo, The Property Times and Engerati.

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