IPEx, Ostan group pilot LED smart street lighting platform in Batang

IPEx Cleantech Asia (IPEx) and Ostan Group are piloting an installation of the Urbana Advanced LED Smart Street Lighting Platform, in Batang, Indonesia.

Urbana uses open-source LoRa wireless technology and hardware that can be easily retrofitted onto existing non-LED street lighting infrastructure to yield up to 70 per cent reduction in energy consumption and improved operations. Key features of the platform include lamp-by-lamp management, real-time monitoring of system parameters, electricity consumption analysis, and dimming. Developed by the Italy-based Ostan Group, it is currently being piloted and considered for deployment in several cities in Indonesia, India and Singapore.

The pilot project had been awarded by Pak Rudi Sudibyo, Regent of Batang Municipality, at a meeting organised in Jakarta on 20 th March 2016. Others at the meeting included Dr. Ivan Ostan (President of Ostan Group), Mr. Tom Dressen (Project Director for Asian Development Bank’s street lighting initiatives in Indonesia) and Mr. Nikhar Mathur (Business Development Manager at IPEx Cleantech Asia). Mr. Sasank Goli, IPEx’s CEO, said that this engagement exemplifies how cooperation between government agencies, technology providers, service providers, and multilateral agencies is helping to promote financing, deployment and local manufacture of clean technologies in Indonesia as well as other parts of Asia.

About IPEx Cleantech Asia: Established in 2014 in Singapore, IPEx provides services to accelerate the deployment of commercialised clean technologies in emerging Asian countries. It’s an Asian Development Bank (ADB) supported consortium between ReEx Capital Asia, a Singapore-based clean energy investment bank, and the Clean Technology Centre of DNV GL, a global provider of testing, inspection, and verification services.

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