Investment for the future means jobs within renewable energy

“Australia is to Invest $10 Billion in Renewable Energy” - Nathan Fabian, CEO of the Investor Group on Climate Change

With the Australian Government having committed to reducing Australia’s emissions to 108 per cent of its 1990 levels; substantial reductions to Australian emissions need to be made; this $10 billion (AUD) investment couldn’t come at a better time for Australia. The investment is to be carried out over a five year period by the Government-formed Clean Energy Investment Corporation, which will manage the public funds for renewable energy projects.

Australia is endowed with significant natural resources; combined with investment, this should allow adoption with ease of a wide range of renewable energy technologies.  Now all we need is the skilled professionals.

As Australia steadily makes the transition to the low-carbon economy; jobs in emission intensive industries will inevitably be phased out as alternative technologies are developed and jobs are created to meet the ongoing needs for renewable energy.

To achieve the transition to a low-carbon sustainable economy, a massive mobilisation of skills and training – both to equip new workers and to enable appropriate changes in practices by the three million workers already employed in these key sectors influencing our environmental footprint, is required.  As such, particular roles that will be in demand are: Renewable Energy Developer, Head of Land Acquisition, Renewable Energy Project Engineer, as well as Construction Site Managers.  We must also mention the impact that the development of renewable energy will have on Health and Safety careers and Environmental careers; where professionals such as Health & Safety Advisor and Environmental Impact Assessor will be required to work within the renewable energy industry.

International technical recruitment consultancy, Allen & York, who specialise in the area of sustainability, are witnessing an increase in wind farm development within Australia, creating a solid foundation for future renewable energy development and bringing about a number of engineering, development and installation roles; that Allen & York are able to place suitable and skilled candidates within.

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